February Recap – Reading, Favorites and Whatnot

2021 Reading Challenge

Level 1: Book of the Month Club
1. Read a book obtained from Kindle Unlimited, Audible, Amazon First Reads, Paperback Swap, or the Library
2. Read a book under 400 pages
3. Reread a book that makes you happy – Crazy For You – Jennifer Crusie
4. Read a stand alone novel (not in a series)
5. Read a book that starts with the letter D
6. Read a book that was recommended to you
7. Read a book with the color white on the cover
8. Read a book where the main character is a High School or College Student
9. Read a book by an author named Michael/Mike/Michelle or variant – Age of Myth – Michael J. Sullivan
10. Read a book that’s been turned into a TV series or Movie
11. Read a book with exactly two words in the title
12. Free Space- Pick any book!

Level 2: Casual Reader Club
13. A book from https://www.whatshouldireadnext.com/
14. Read a Murder Mystery
15. Read the first book in a series you’ve wanted to start
16. Read a book that has a person on the cover
17. Read a book where the main character’s occupation is chef or baker
18. Read a book by an author born in the 20th Century (1901-2000)
19. Read a book with a form of royalty in the title (Queen, King, Prince, Princess, etc)
20. Read a book you meant to read on last year’s challenge – Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell – Susanna Clarke
21. Read a book by Barbara Cartland
22. Read a book that takes place in Spring
23. Read a book with the word Human/Person/People in the title
24. Free Space- Pick any book!

Level 3: Dedicated Reader Club
25. Read a book by a Self Published Author – Peace and Turmoil – Elliot Brooks
26. Read a book for under $5
27. Read a book from : https://time.com/collection/100-best-fantasy-books/
28. Read a book published in the 2010’s
29. Read a book from your favorite genre
30. Read a book that has had at least three different covers
31. Read a book that takes place in Europe
32. Read a book by an author with the same first name as one of your grandparents
33. Read a book where the main character is a magic user
34. Read a book with a time of day in the title (Morning, Noon, Evening, Dusk, Dawn, etc) – Dawnshard – Brandon Sanderson
35. Read a book by an author of a different ethnicity than you
36. Free Space- Pick any book!

Level 4: Speed Reader Club
37. Read the next book in a series you’ve started
38. Read a book with an orange cover
39. Read a book over 600 pages
40. Read a book that uses the “Chosen One” trope
41. Read a book where the main character is elderly – A Severed Wasp – Madeleine L’Engle
42. Read a book with the letter V in the title or author’s name
43. Read a Science Fiction
44. Read a book that starts with the letter P
45. Read a book with a bird on the cover
46. Read a book (Fiction or Nonfiction) about a lady on this list: https://www.historyextra.com/100-women/100-women-results/
47. Read a book with a main character with a different ethnicity than you
48. Free Space- Pick any book!

Level 5: Overachiever Club
49. Read a book with an interesting cover font
50. Read a book about orphans
51. Read a book with the word “wind” in the title
52. Read a book by John Irving
53. Read a book that was published when you were eleven
54. Read a book that takes place in the 1960s
55. Read a book (fiction or Nonfiction) about a topic that’s always interested you, but you haven’t read about it yet
56. Read a Nonfiction book that teaches you a new skill
57. Read a book without a picture on the cover
58. Read a book (Fiction or Nonfiction) involving Mental Illness – Rhythm of War – Brandon Sanderson
59. Read a book that has had unfavorable reviews, but you’re still curious about
60. Free Space- Pick any book!

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