Sung to the tune of… these are a few of my favorite things

I’ve been a YouTube watcher for a few years now – I started subscribing to channels that talked about nail art, which led me to some beauty channels that didn’t do nail art, which then introduced me to the planning community through a few mentions of creative planning.  Following planner channels introduced me to the BookTube world, but I didn’t wholly fall into watching BookTube channels until last year, when I found a video about the planned Wheel of Time TV show by Daniel Greene, linked in the JordanCon Facebook group.

A staple of the beauty YouTube community, which seems to be pretty common among the planner channels as well, is the monthly favorites wrap-up.   And it occurred to me while thinking about my monthly reading challenge wrap up that perhaps I should do a monthly favorites post of my own.

I think I’d like that, although I’m not entire sure how popular it would be with my readers (all 4 of you, hi Mom!)… Why not give it a shot, though, while I’m thinking of it?

This may then be the first in a regular series.  Then again, knowing my history with ambitious projects (there we go again, paving the road to hell) this might be a one time thing.  My unpredictability is part of my charm, right?  Right?

Without further ado, a few of my favorite things from the last month-ish, with commentary and links and whatnot:

  • Red Rising by Pierce Brown – my favorite read of the month of March.  See my March reading challenge update for more.
  • KitKat Drumsticks – purchased on a whim, and they. are. delicious.
  • Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. – all five seasons so far are on Netflix, and the show is super fun.  And at times, hilarious.
  • Sailing to Costa Rica from ApothAcoffee roastery – I picked up a couple of interesting roasts from their little shop at the Arizona Renaissance Festival, and all last week my cold brew coffee was made with these beans.  Tasty!
  • The Legendarium Podcast – I’ve heard the name tossed around by a couple of other podcasts I listen to, but finally got around to checking out some of their podcast archives.  I’m thoroughly enjoying these guys, currently working my way through their Brandon Sanderson Readthrough from 2016.
  • My 20190323_173948.jpghand-blown glass mug from Andres & Chapman – I’ve walked through their shop at the Renaissance Festival for the past several years, and finally caved and bought a lovely piece.  It’s no good for hot beverages, but drinking cold brew coffee from this gorgeous glass mug has been a happy thing.
  • Merphy Napier – my latest favorite YouTube channel, I found her through the Worldhoppers group channel, and I think she’s positively adorable.  I’m enjoying her book reviews and her reading vlogs.  She also just recently finished the first Wheel of Time book and loved it, so I’m excited to watch her progress through one of my absolute favorite book series.

Happy April, my friends… perhaps next month I will have more favorite things to share!

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