The Madeleine L’Engle Re-Read Begins

2016-10-29-08-45-14Good morning faithful readers (a.k.a. Hi Mom!)…

Before we begin the official re-read posts, I wanted to give those of you who aren’t familiar with this sort of blog series an idea of what to expect.

My intent is to publish a re-read blog post each and every week, covering a manageable chunk of the book at a time.  Because of my wordiness (and my tendency to try to do too many things in limited time), I am going to start by limiting myself to one chapter per week, unless I find myself with nothing to say, which I seriously don’t expect.  I mean, when do I ever have nothing to say?

As for format, each week’s post will start with a summary of the chapter’s events, and then I’ll follow it up with a bulleted list of “quick takes” – my thoughts and reactions in real time as I read.  I’ll point out things that I enjoy about the writing and the story, and things that I didn’t felt work as well… I’ll squee about adorableness and interject  ROFLs about things that strike my funny bone… I’ll quote passages that I find particularly meaningful or amusing or that hit me over the head with a beautiful use of language… It’ll be like you’re in the room with me while I’m reading. You’ll love it.

My reactions will probably make more sense to you if you’ve read the book recently, so I’ll encourage you dig up your copy of A Wrinkle in Time, or pick one up off of Amazon if you don’t have one of your own, and we’ll start with Chapter 1 next Tuesday.  Come prepared to chime in your thoughts, I’d love to hear them!

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